

United Nations University Objectives:
For the past four decades, UNU has been a go-to think tank for impartial research on the pressing global problems of human survival, conflict prevention, development, and welfare. With more than 400 researchers in 13 countries, UNU’s work spans the full breadth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, generating policy-relevant knowledge to effect positive global change. UNU maintains more than 200 collaborations with UN agencies and leading universities and research institutions across the globe. For more information, please visit http://unu.edu.


United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES):
The mission of UNU-FLORES is to contribute to the development of integrated and sustainable management strategies for the use of water, soil and waste resources in particular in developing and emerging countries in scientific, educational, managerial, technological and institutional terms. Potential issues of focus include: urban water management, nutrient cycles and budgets, methods for reclamation and rehabilitation of degraded sites, site-specific river-basin scale water management, interaction of land use management and water inventory under differing climate conditions, efficient site-adapted waste management strategies, among others. The Institute will develop innovative concepts for target- and region-specific knowledge transfer as well as appropriate methodologies and approaches for postgraduate and professional education. The Institute is located in Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany. For more information please visit http://flores.unu.edu.

Branche: Energie, Wasser und Umwelt

Informationen zum Kontakt
